I worked an ID Camp recently and 3 players stuck out to me, here’s why!
I get the question all the time. “What are you looking for in a player?” Simple question, complex answer. Culture, work ethic, athleticism, coach-ability, something that makes you different. All good answers, but those could mean different things to different people.
So here are the reasons why these 3 players are on my radar after a recent ID Camp. (names are made up to protect all those involved)
Player 1: Addie
From the first session of the event Addie made herself known. She stepped up and started to warm up the group she was training with, and when it came time to play some 11v11 she organized her team in fine fashion. Her team mostly consisted of players she didn’t know going into the day. But it wasn’t that she just organized them. She did it with class, she listened to her teammates' wants and needs, and she did it with a sense of humor and a smile on her face. I was definitely going to pay attention to Addie and what she brought ON the field, cause she has all the intangibles off the field!
Addie stepped in and made an immediate impact on the field as well. Dynamic and strong she ran up top with authority and caused problems for the opponent. Now Addie isn’t a top level kid, but she is good, has some clear strengths and minimal weaknesses. I would say she is a solid Division I level kid on the field. But then this happened…Addie got subbed off. When it was time to go back on, she couldn’t go back to her “position” without subbing another player off who hadn’t been on the field long. So in a true “we before me” mentality, even at an ID Camp, she happily played outside back. And you know what? She was good there too! Somebody is going to get an amazing player and person with Addie. She will probably carry the torch in terms of the team's culture as an upperclassman. That’s a player coaches want!
Player 2: Reagan
Reagan also first caught my eye in a training session early on during the weekend. She had a passion to play, she enjoyed being out there, was very coachable, and her teammates seemed to really like being around her. Reagan was also 5’11 and athletic so that didn’t hurt.
Reagan didn’t really impress the first game I saw her play. Solid, did some good things, nothing special, but she also didn’t make many mistakes. You could see her confidence grow over time though. She began to take on more, become more assertive, asked questions, and she still rarely made a mistake. Her decision-making ability and passing percentage were off the charts. Those are her special qualities. By the end of the weekend, players were worn out. Reagan however didn’t look fazed at all. Pushed thru and kept playing hard every minute of every game. Solid. She’s now on our radar.
Player 3: Ava
I never got to train Ava, she made herself known on the field. Athletic, smooth runner, good on the ball, worked hard to defend and attack. Biggest strength in my opinion…her relentlessness. She went at defenders every time she had the chance to do so, but could connect when she couldn’t. Worked hard defensively and turned opponents over in bad spaces.
When Ava got subbed off, I was standing within earshot of the bench. Ava was vocal, supporting her “teammates” and cheering them on. Again, those are the type of players we want on our teams. Great player, great teammate…Ava will get a ton of quality opportunities to play at the collegiate level!
When I talk to my kid about ID camps, and how she should carry herself, those 3 players above embody what coaches want. Be a leader, work hard, be coachable, try and get in the front of the line, be assertive, interact with your teammates and friends, be passionate, and have fun! No reason to get all stressed out about college coaches watching you, just go be you to the best of your ability!
Thanks for reading!
The Recruiting Dad